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At All Languages we aim to fulfill the accessibility needs of our clients and employees. Across all aspects of our business, we continue to ensure our products and services are available to the widest possible audience, regardless of their needs.

Man on keyboard reading computer text with a braille reader

Meeting the needs of our customers and employees

All Languages is fully compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. Over the past five years, these measures have enabled us to meet all requests to accommodate the accessibility needs of our customers and employees. Our policy is to implement additional measures to fulfill any new accessibility need as quickly as reasonably possible. Our employees undergo annual training, including a refresher course on accessible customer service.

Audio-visual capabilities and American Sign Language interpreting

Our team have extensive experience and capabilities in voice recording, captioning and video editing. Audio-visual conversions and augmentations can be undertaken on request. We provide American Sign Language interpreting both face to face and over remote video, on-demand.

Written materials and screen-readers

All Languages ensures screen-reader formatting and alt-text which is mandated by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) is preserved in the same state it was submitted. We partner with accessibility specialists to offer AODA remediation services for clients wishing to ensure usability and compliance under Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA, ISO-14289 and AODA. We ensure our documents and spoken-word services are accessible on demand. All company content is written and templated with a view toward AODA remediation for screen-reading software. This includes ensuring our website content is WCAG compliant. We engage Ontario-based accessibility specialists with proprietary software to enable AODA remediation of templated text (including print size) at near-automatic speeds. Training documents can be made screen-reader friendly on a minimum next day turnaround. AODA remediation of print documents is also offered as a post-translation service quoted on a per-project basis.

Traduction et interprétation de plus de 500 langues et lieux depuis plus de 50 ans

Nous sommes des experts canadiens en traduction française et travaillons avec plus de 500 langues. Notre équipe gère personnellement les projets des clients en suivant les meilleures pratiques mondiales en utilisant notre infrastructure de classe mondiale. De plus, nous n’affectons que des linguistes préqualifiés qui ont exécuté des contrats et réussissons des évaluations de la qualité par projet.